One system handles all alerting functions: Providing the Primary Alert for wake up, telephone, and door and secondary alerting for visual smoke detectors and visual central alarm signalers.
Direct connection by hardwire to signal source reduces false alarms.
A built-in battery provides emergency back-up for all functions.
It augments visual life safety devices with additional visual elements, as well as adding tactile (bed shaking) stimulus. Both functions are supported by the power back-up system.
Its one touch activation enables or disables the system if a room’s occupant desires not to use the system.
The visual display panel attaches securely to the wall and unobtrusively blends with all decors.
The self monitoring. diagnostic system detects and notifies immediately if a malfunction should occur.
The systems design allows easy on-site diagnosis and repair by a facility maintenance department utilizing the recommended maintenance kit which contains not only diagnosis instructions but one each of all critical components for immediate in field replacement, minimizing down time.